2018 Free Agency/SBS Louisville Pro Workout/Workshop Schedule
Saturday, April 21 – 9a.m.-4p.m. (Eastern Time Zone)
*Address of Workout – Victory Baptist Church – 7808 Beulah Church Road Louisville, Kentucky 40228 - Traffic will be bad because of Thunder Over Louisville so please give yourself plenty of time.
*Family and Friends are allowed to attend. There will be a $5 admission charge for anyone who is not a player. Rosters will be available at the door.
*Players will be given a jersey to wear that will be returned after the workout.
*Players should stretch and get loose on you your own.
*Players should bring a snack to eat at some point during the day.
8:40a.m. Gym Open – Players can stretch/shoot that are in 9am session.
9:00a.m. Team 1 and Team 2 Drill Work/Team Organization
9:35a.m. Team 3and Team 4 Drill Work/Team Organization
10:10a.m. Team 5 and Team 6 Drill Work/Team Organization
10:45a.m – Game 1- Team 1 vs Team 2
11:10 a.m – Game 2 - Team 3 vs Team 4
11:35p.m. – Game 3 – Team 5 vs. Team 6
12p.m. to 1:15 Workshop
1:30p.m. Game 1 Tourney 2:00p.m. Game 2 Tourney 2:30pm Game 3 Tourney
3:00pm Game 4 Tourney 3:30pm Game 5 Tourney 4pm Finish